Saturday, March 28, 2009

Update - Chase....

Yes, we all know I am bad at updating so the people that have given up on me won't see some of the new pic's and video's I have put on here.
In the last few months not a lot has changed but spring is almost here so there should be a lot more activity going on soon!!
In January, Chase went to a Sankey Bull Riding School in Ogden. WOW that was wonderful!! He learned so much and has so much work to do but he now has the knowledge to move forward. I hope that we can take him back next January again. I also learned a lot and think that all parents of bull riders should go to this school. I am not as scared watching him ride as I use to be. Probably because I now understand some of the techniques. I can tell when he leaves the chute if he is in a good position or not, what he might have done right or wrong. It was a wonderful, intense, power packed school. I would recommend the Sankey Rodeo Schools to anyone!

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